What is a Sprint?

A sprint is a time-boxed effort to complete a specific set of work. It is typically one to four weeks in duration. Sprints are a key part of the Scrum framework and provide a structure for iterative, incremental product development. The sprint begins with a sprint planning meeting, where the team sets a goal for the sprint and identifies the work that needs to be done to achieve that goal. The team then works together to complete the work during the sprint. At the end of the sprint, the team holds a retrospective meeting to review what went well and what could be improved.

Need for the sprint:

  • Makes project more manageable: Breaking the project into sprints makes it more manageable, allowing the team to produce high-quality work.
  • Flexibility: Sprints give teams the flexibility to adapt to changes.
  • Supports product owner: Sprints supports the product owner to create a roadmap of the product to be developed.

Sprint workflow and process:

  1. Product Backlog: This is the list of set tasks that must be completed before the product is released. It is built by the product owner. The product owner gives a list of prioritized items to the scrum master and scrum team. 
    • Sprint Planning: It is a collaborative event where the team answers questions like what work can be done in this sprint and how the chosen work will be done. Here the team discusses the top-priority user stories, which focus on features like the type of end user, what they want and why they want it. 
  2. Sprint backlog: This list is agreed upon by the entire team and defines what the development team will complete during the sprint. 
    • Daily Scrum: The team checks in during the daily scrum also known as standup about the work progress. The goal here is to address the challenges that would impact the team’s ability to deliver the sprint goal. 
  3. Increment/Demo: At the end of a sprint cycle two meetings are held:
    • Sprint review: Sprint review is the team’s opportunity to showcase their work to stakeholders and team members before it is moved for production. 
    • Sprint retro: This is the meeting at the end of the sprint cycle where the team identifies areas of improvement for the next sprint. 


What is an Iteration?

An iteration is a development cycle in which work is completed on a specific set of features or functions. It typically lasts between one and four weeks. Each iteration begins with an iteration planning meeting, where the team decides which work will be completed during that time period. Team members then commit to completing that work by the end of the iteration. At the end of the iteration, the team holds an iteration review meeting, where they demo the work that was completed and get feedback from stakeholders. The goal is for each iteration to result in a shippable product increment.

What is an Increment?

In software development, an increment is a completed and usable piece of work that adds value to the product. An increment is usually delivered at the end of each sprint in a Scrum project. The main characteristic of an increment is that it is done and can be used, even if it’s not yet perfect. This means that increments must meet certain quality criteria, such as being tested and free of bugs. The increment must also be usable by the customer or end-user, even if it doesn’t have all the features they want. The goal of delivering an increment at the end of each sprint is to get feedback from customers as early as possible so that any necessary changes can be made before too much work has been done on the product.

What is Sprint, Iteration, and Increment?

The article focuses on discussing the difference between Sprint, Iteration, and Increment. The following topics will be discussed here:

  1. What is Sprint?
  2. What is Iteration?
  3. What is Increment?
  4. Sprint vs Iteration vs Increment.

Let’s discuss these topics in detail.

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