What is a Google Developer Student Club(GDSC)?

GDSCs act as community-based organizations specifically designed for college students who possess a genuine interest in Google developer technologies. These clubs provide a platform for students to engage in peer-to-peer learning, effectively bridging the gap between theoretical knowledge and practical application in the field of development. The overarching goal of GDSCs is to empower students to utilize technology as a means to bring about positive change within their communities.

The GDSC Lead Selection Process:

Every year the application starts in June/July. In most cases, the previous GDSC Lead will notify the students about it but if you don’t have a previously established GDSC then you can check yourself on the Website.

Timeline of GDSC Lead

Step1: Application Form

I have received the application link for my previous GDSC Lead position at my University along with a Google Form containing some basic questions like “Why do you want to be a GDSC Lead?” and “What will you do to take the community further?” As every year, previous GDSC Leads receive three referrals, the Google Form is used for selecting the referral candidates.

The form includes my complete details with links to my work and social handles like GitHub, LinkedIn, StackOverflow, X (formerly Twitter), Medium, Qwiklabs, and Discord, sharing these links would be a good way of letting them that you are actively contributing.

The next section of the Application form includes questions like :

  • What is your motivation to run a Google Developer Student Club at your Institution?
  • What is your experience in leading a project or a team?
  • What is your experience with technology?

Along with the answer to this question, we have to record a 90-second video and share why I believe that I am fit to be a GDSC Lead at my educational institution. In the video, we have to talk about ourselves and share our interests and aspirations for the GDSC community at our educational institution and share the link with them(The video will be Uploaded on YouTube)

My Video Link focuses more on Google Technology and your contribution to GDSC over the last few years.

Step 2: Diagnostic Test

Diagnostic Test Mail

I received my Diagnostic Test email on April 6th, 2023, and took the test on April 16th, 2023, at 10:00 p.m. IST. The test lasts for 60 minutes and includes questions on basic problem-solving skills, leadership qualities, and technical aptitude, such as speed-distance problems, along with fundamental concepts of mathematics and logic along with some situation-based questions. In total, there are 20 questions. The level of questions was Easy to Medium.

Step 3: Interview

Interview Mail

After clearing the Diagnostic Test, I received an email for the interview scheduled on May 3rd, 2023, for May 8th, 2023, at 3:45 p.m. IST. The interview includes an introduction, a discussion of my past projects, leadership experience, and situational-based questions such as if I were appointed as the GDSC Lead how I could overcome certain situations given the interviewer, and my plans with GDSC. Additionally, technical questions about DSA, including time complexities, are part of the interview. I made sure to answer all the questions confidently and to the best of my ability, to showcase my knowledge and experience.

Final Result :

Selection Mail

After approximately 68 days, I received the selection email on July 16th, 2023. The duration may vary depending on several factors, so it’s important to maintain patience throughout the process.

The initiation of a GDSC Lead role marks the beginning of an enthralling voyage. It presents opportunities for personal development, collaboration, and creating a positive influence in your community. I hope that my interview experience has served as an inspiration for you to contemplate applying for a GDSC Lead position at your university.

Google Developer Students Club Lead (GDSC) Interview Experience (2023)

This article is dedicated to recounting my reflections and journey towards being selected as GDSC Lead for the year 2023 at my campus, shedding light on the application process in its entirety. I aspire that my narrative will encourage and empower others to initiate their paths at their respective Universities.

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What is a Google Developer Student Club(GDSC)?

GDSCs act as community-based organizations specifically designed for college students who possess a genuine interest in Google developer technologies. These clubs provide a platform for students to engage in peer-to-peer learning, effectively bridging the gap between theoretical knowledge and practical application in the field of development. The overarching goal of GDSCs is to empower students to utilize technology as a means to bring about positive change within their communities....

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