What is a Dynamic Model?

Dynamic model describes the behavior of complex systems in addition to time and comprises a group of models that give the current state of the system. It describes how the system evolves with regards to certain events, the control flow and how the various components of the system interact. They are particularly crucial in that they describe the real-time character, execution of activities, roles, and occurrences within the system.

  • Sequence Diagrams: Sequence diagrams represent the flow of messages between the objects to achieve a particular task or a process.
  • State Machine Diagrams: Applied to specify the possible conditions that an object can be in and the change of these conditions based on events.
  • Activity Diagrams: Activity diagrams illustrate the actions or processes in a system as well as show when and if each activity/operation occurs.
  • Use Case Diagrams: Use Case Diagram are principally used to document requirements but also give a dynamic view since they depict the utilization of the system by the users.

Static and Dynamic Models In Software Engineering

Software engineering is the discipline that primarily deals in the application of computer science and engineering knowledge for designing, building, and sustaining software products. Models can be classified into two broad categories: static and dynamic. This article analyzes the definitions, characteristics, and differences between the static and dynamic models in software engineering.

Table of Content

  • What is Static Model?
  • What is a Dynamic Model?
  • Static vs Dynamic Modelling
  • Conclusion
  • Frequently Asked Questions

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Static vs Dynamic Modelling



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Frequently Asked Questions

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