What is a Database?

Before discussing different mobile databases, let’s first look at what a database is. In the computing world, a database is a structured collection of data that is organized and stored in such a way that it enables efficient data retrieval, manipulation, and management. For modern applications, databases are the backbone that provides reliable and scalable data access and storage.

A database can be categorized into two main types

1. Local database

As its name suggests, the local database resides locally on the device where an application is installed or running. With a local database, users can store data without the need for any network connectivity. The local database is used in mobile applications to store user preferences, cached data, or user-specific data. Since data is stored locally, it stores and retrieves data quickly.

2. Remote database

A remote database is a database that stores data on remote servers and requires network connectivity, such as the Internet. Unlike local databases, data stored in a remote database can be accessed from multiple devices, which gives users the ability to access data from anywhere. The remote database follows the client-server architecture, where applications run on client devices and communicate with the data server to perform data operations.

Top 7 Databases for Mobile App Development in 2024

In the ever-evolving mobile app development landscape, selecting the correct database is crucial for building efficient and robust applications. Based on the requirements of the project, the database can be local or remote. With the generation of smartphones and the increasing demand for feature-rich mobile experiences, developers have many choices for selecting the right database.

In this article, we will delve into Top-7 database-tuned for mobile app development in 2024 by exploring its features and advantages.

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Before discussing different mobile databases, let’s first look at what a database is. In the computing world, a database is a structured collection of data that is organized and stored in such a way that it enables efficient data retrieval, manipulation, and management. For modern applications, databases are the backbone that provides reliable and scalable data access and storage....

Top 7 Databases for Mobile App Development in 2024

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