What is a command queue and how to discard it?

A command queue in the context of Redis transactions refers to a list of commands that have been queued up to be executed as part of a transaction. When you initiate a Redis transaction using the MULTI command, any subsequent commands are placed in this queue, awaiting the final execution using the EXEC command. This allows you to group multiple commands together and ensure that they are executed atomically, maintaining data consistency.

Below is the working of command queue in Redis transactions:

  • MULTI Command: When you issue the MULTI command, Redis enters transaction mode. This means that any subsequent Redis commands you send will not be executed immediately. Instead, they will be added to the command queue, waiting for the EXEC command to be issued.
  • Queuing Commands: After the MULTI command, each Redis command you send is added to the command queue. These commands are not executed individually but are recorded as part of the transaction.
  • Transactional Nature: Redis transactions guarantee that all the commands in the queue are executed as a single, atomic operation. This means that either all the commands in the queue are executed successfully, or none of them are executed at all. If any command in the queue fails, Redis discards the entire transaction.
  • EXEC Command: When you’re ready to execute the queued commands, you issue the EXEC command. This command executes all the commands in the queue sequentially, as part of a single transaction.

Discarding the Command Queue:

If something goes wrong before the EXEC command is issued and you decide not to proceed with the transaction, you can use the DISCARD command to discard the entire command queue. The DISCARD command resets Redis to its non-transactional state, and all the commands in the queue are discarded.




SET key1 value1
SET key2 value2

Note: If you choose to discard the transaction using the DISCARD command, the changes made by the SET commands to key1 and key2 will not take effect, as the entire command queue is discarded.

Complete tutorial of Transactions in Redis

Redis transactions allow you to group multiple commands into a single atomic operation. An atomic operation means that all the commands within a transaction are executed together, ensuring that either all of them succeed or none of them do. Redis transactions use a concept called “MULTI/EXEC” to initiate and commit the transaction.

Important Topics for Transactions in Redis

  • Syntax
  • Commands
  • Example
  • What is a command queue and how to discard it?
  • Implementation of optimistic locking using check and set

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