What happened to the shifting cultivators?

The British administration aimed to encourage tribal groups to adopt settled agricultural practices, as this facilitated easier control and governance of the population. To establish regular revenue streams for the state, the British introduced land settlements. This involved surveying and demarcating land, delineating individual land rights, and imposing revenue obligations on the state.

However, the British initiative to settle shifting cultivators met with limited success. Faced with widespread protests, the British eventually granted some tribes the right to continue practicing shifting cultivation in specific forested areas.

CBSE Class 8 History Notes Chapter 4 – Tribals, Dikus and the Vision of a Golden Age

In this chapter, students will explore various inquiries concerning Tribals, Dikus, and related topics. Some of the key questions include Birsa’s objectives in addressing specific problems, the identity and impact of outsiders termed as Dikus, and how they subjugated the local populace.

Additionally, the chapter delves into the experiences of tribal communities under British rule, highlighting the changes in their lives. Our provided CBSE Class 8 History notes for Chapter 4 – Tribals, Dikus, and the Vision of a Golden Age are crafted in straightforward language to facilitate comprehension. Engaging with these materials will effectively streamline students’ learning process, providing a thorough understanding of crucial subject matter.

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Birsa Munda

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History Notes Chapter 4 – Tribals, Dikus and the Vision of a Golden Age- FAQs

How did tribal communities sustain themselves in the nineteenth century?...

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