What Causes Genetic Variation?

Genetic variation can be caused by a number of factors, including

  • Mutation: Mutation refers to the change in the DNA sequence during replication or due to external factors like radiation. It creates slightly different versions of genes, called alleles. It introduces new genetic variant that make every individual unique.
  • Gene Flow or Gene Migration: When organisms migrate to a new habitat and introduces new genetic material into a population. This can alter genetic diversity by changing allelic frequencies in populations.
  • Recombination: During the process of cell division( Meiosis) genetic material from both parents is shuffled. It leads to unique combinations of alleles in offspring.
  • Sexual Reproduction: During fertilization alleles are segregated and united randomly united resulting in genetic variation. Crossing over during prophase I of cell division creates different chromosomes in offspring compared to their parents resulting in genetic variation.
  • Genetic Drift: Genetic drift leads to loss or fixation of alleles, which influences genetic diversity.
  • Chromosomal aberrations: It affect the structure or number of chromosomes. It may include deletion, insertion, exchange, and translocation. The most common chromosomal disorder is trisomy 21, which is the primary cause of Down syndrome. It introduces genetic variation.
  • Other Factors: Random mating, random fertilization, and environmental factors like radiation. Genetic variation acts alongwith environmental and behavioral factors to produce phenotypic diversity.

What is Genetic Variation?

Genetic Variation is the difference in DNA sequence within a population or among individuals of the same species. Genetic variation in a population arises due to the combination of processes including mutation, genetic recombination, genetic drift, and gene flow.

Understanding the types of genetic variation and causes helps in learning the evolutionary processes and population dynamics. In this article, we will cover the genetic variation causes, types, importance, and sources of genetic variation in detail.

Table of Content

  • Genetic Variation Meaning
  • Types of Genetic Variation
  • What Causes Genetic Variation?
  • Examples of Genetic Variation
  • Advantages of Genetic Variation
  • Disadvantages of Genetic Variation
  • Why is Genetic Variation Important?
  • Conservation of Genetic Variation

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