What are Scatter Plots

Scatter plots are graphs that represent the relation between two variables. It is simply said as plotting points, on the X and Y axis. They are very useful for data analysis or regression analysis. The independent attributes are plotted on X-axis, while dependent attributes are plotted on Y-axis.

For example, you are given a scatter plot of Study Hours and Marks(100).

Example: Scatter Plot

How to Plot Bivariate Data in Excel?

Bivariate data is the most used type of data representation for the plotting of scatter plots . The data depends on two variables as its name suggests, and it is analyzed using different machine-learning algorithms, using different charts, etc. Bivariate can be performed using different methods. Among those Linear regression is one of the most used algorithms for bivariate data.

In this article, we will learn how to deal with bivariate data and analyze it using scatter plots.

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What are Scatter Plots

Scatter plots are graphs that represent the relation between two variables. It is simply said as plotting points, on the X and Y axis. They are very useful for data analysis or regression analysis. The independent attributes are plotted on X-axis, while dependent attributes are plotted on Y-axis....

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How to Plot Bivariate Data using Scatter Plot – Steps

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With the above mentioned steps you can easily plot Bivariate data in Excel using Scatter Plots. This is easy to do. You can easily corelate two variables and find the relationship between them which is very useful in data analysis and understanding. It also looks more presentable and is way organised....


What is plotting bivariate data in Excel? Plotting Bivariate data in Excel means creating a graph that displays the relationship between two different things that are related to each other. The data set you use for this graph consists of pairs of values, where each pair represents a value from one thing and its corresponding value from another thing. By plotting this data, you can visualize patterns, trends, correlations, or associations between the two variables....

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