What are Natural Resources?

Natural resources are assets that are drawn from nature and utilized with not many adjustments. This contains the origin of esteemed attributes like business and modern use, tasteful worth, logical interest, and social worth. On Earth, it incorporates daylight, climate, water, land, all minerals alongside all vegetation, and creature life.

Again natural resources are classified into two types

  1. Renewable resources
  2. Non-Renewable resources

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Are Resources Free Gift of Nature?

Resources are precious gifts of nature but are not free or unlimited, and should be used by humans with caution. A resource is characterized as a substance that is expected by a living creature for typical development, upkeep, and repetition. The super fundamental assets for creatures are food, water, and domain. For plants, secret weapons incorporate daylight, supplements, water, and a spot to grow. Natural resources refer to those resources which occur naturally in the environment and include elements like air, water, soil, and forests. These resources are very limited and should be utilized with care.

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What are Natural Resources?

Natural resources are assets that are drawn from nature and utilized with not many adjustments. This contains the origin of esteemed attributes like business and modern use, tasteful worth, logical interest, and social worth. On Earth, it incorporates daylight, climate, water, land, all minerals alongside all vegetation, and creature life....

Frequently Asked Questions

Q 1. Why is a resource not a free gift of nature?...

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