Water Pollution in Lakes

The main cause of Water Pollution is 

  • A high number of untreated sewage and Industrial effluents are being emptied into the lakes. This excess decomposition has caused the water body to become highly polluted.
  • Cremation near water bodies, dead animals, and leaching out of nitrogen compounds from fertilized agricultural lands also increase pollution.
  • Runoff nutrients in stormwater from sheet flow over an agricultural field or a forest is also another cause of pollution in lakes.

Importance of Lakes

The term describes the river system of an area or the flow of water through different channels. Many of the small streams and rivers come together to form the main river from different directions which drain into a large water body such as a lake sea or ocean.

The area drained by a single river and its tributaries is termed a drainage basin. The Amazon River is the world’s largest drainage basin. In India, The Ganga River is the largest drainage basin.

Any mountain or an upland that separates or divides the two drainage basins is termed as water divide.

Table of Content

  • Lakes in India
  • Importance of Lakes
  • Water Pollution in Lakes

Importance of lakes

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