WAL or Write-Ahead Logging in Systems

WAL in Distributive Systems stands for Write-Ahead Logging, which is a method for ensuring Data Durability in Distributed Systems. In this process, the data which is being changed is first written into the log file, before saving the data to data centers or stores. The goal of this is to ensure that, if the data is being lost while committing to a data store, still it can be retrieved from the log file. This achieves Data Durability in Distributed Systems. In the sectors of Finance and healthcare, the most important factor is data consistency, so to maintain this consistency WAL can be used. 

Below we have mentioned some key features of WAL:

Key Features of WAL:

  1. Atomicity: In the process of WAL, Atomicity specifies that the means of change in the data store are either complete or are fully rolled back and remain consistent and reliable.
  2. High Write Performance: WAL needs writing to a log file instead of immediately updating the data storage, this can provide enhanced writing performance. The reason for better performance is that the process of writing into a log file is much faster than updating the data store. Additional processing and I/O operations are needed while updating the Data Store.
  3. Scalability: WAL has the ability to scale up or scale down a large amount of data volumes and has high write throughput by distributing the log across different multiple nodes. This assures that logs can be written and accessed quickly from larger distributed systems without any disruption.

Applications of WAL:

  1. Databases: Write-Ahead Logging can be used in databases to assure data durability and consistency. Many databases like PostgreSQL, SQLite, and Oracle databases use the WAL approach for ensuring data durability. WAF guarantees that the change in the data store is properly written in the log file before saving it to the database.
  2. Messaging Systems: WAL in messaging systems assures that the message is been processed and delivered to the authorized person properly. Changes in the message queue are first written into a log file before saving the message queue. Due to this process, the risk of data loss and system failure has been minimized.
  3. Financial Applications: WAL in the Financial sector is considered one of the important approaches as the transactions in banks are processed and recorded rapidly. Changes to the bank transaction are initially written into the log file and then committed to the transaction log.  This maintains the durability and also integrity of the data. 


Distributed Systems are responsible for fault-tolerant, which means that if any failure occurs then the complete system should not be crashed. The operation is transferred to another node rather than stopping the operation. Because distributed systems are intended to be fault-tolerant, or to continue operating even if one or more of their components fail, durability is a crucial criterion. To preserve the system’s general availability and dependability, the data stored in it must be robust and resilient to errors.

Because data is typically kept across several nodes, which may be spread out over various physical locations and connected by unreliable networks, ensuring durability in distributed systems is difficult.  To ensure that data is persistent even in the face of such errors, distributed systems must use sophisticated approaches to conserve the durability of the system

Durability in Distributive Systems | Learn System Design

Distributed System term defines the concept that multiple independent Computer Systems are been distributed to various locations and all these nodes can be operated from a single system. Due to their capacity to offer high scalability, fault tolerance, and load balancing, these systems are growing in popularity. They do, however, also have their own set of difficulties, such as assuring data durability. 

Data Durability is an important factor in Distributed Systems. This factor assures that the data is even safe after the system failure or crashed state. 3 different techniques can be applied to recover the data in the situation of system failure. 

  • Replication, 
  • Backup, and 
  • Write-Ahead Logging(WAL) 

provide a reliable approach for ensuring data durability in distributed systems. By applying this technique, organizations can safeguard their data and recover the data in the situation of system failure.

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