Vice Presidents of USA – Till 2023

Here is a list of all the Vice president of the United States of America in chronological order from 1798 to 2023 :

Sr. No.

Vice- President of US


Served Under

Vice presidents of the United States


John Adams Mass.

April 21, 1789

March 4, 1797

George Washington


Thomas Jefferson Va.

March 4, 1797

March 4, 1801

John Adams


Aaron Burr N.J.

March 4, 1801

March 4, 1805

Thomas Jefferson


George Clinton N.Y.

March 4, 1805

April 20, 1812

Thomas Jefferson


Elbridge Gerry Mass.

March 4, 1813

November 23, 1814

James Madison


Daniel D. Tompkins N.Y.

March 4, 1817

March 4, 1825

James Monroe


John C. Calhoun S.C.

March 4, 1825

December 28, 1832

John Quincy Adams


Martin Van Buren N.Y.

March 4, 1833

March 4, 1837

Andrew Jackson


Richard M. Johnson

March 4, 1837

March 4, 1841

Martin Van Buren


John Tyler

March 4, 1841

April 4, 1841

William Henry Harrison


George Mifflin Dallas

March 4, 1845

March 4, 1849

James K. Polk


Millard Fillmore

March 4, 1849

July 9, 1850

Zachary Taylor


William Rufus de Vane King

March 4, 1853

April 18, 1853

Franklin Pierce


John C. Breckinridge

March 4, 1857

March 4, 1861

James Buchanan


Hannibal Hamlin Maine

March 4, 1861

March 4, 1865

Abraham Lincoln


Andrew Johnson

March 4, 1865

April 15, 1865

Abraham Lincoln


Schuyler Colfax

March 4, 1869

March 4, 1873

Ulysses S. Grant


Henry Wilson

March 4, 1873

November 22, 1875

Ulysses S. Grant


William A. Wheeler

March 4, 1877

March 4, 1881

Rutherford B. Hayes


Chester A. Arthur

March 4, 1881

September 19, 1881

James A. Garfield


Thomas A. Hendricks

March 4, 1885

November 25, 1885

Grover Cleveland


Levi P. Morton

March 4, 1889

March 4, 1893

Benjamin Harrison


Adlai Stevenson I

March 4, 1893

March 4, 1897

Grover Cleveland


Garret Hobart

March 4, 1897

November 21, 1899

William McKinley


Theodore Roosevelt

March 4, 1901

September 14, 1901

William McKinley


Charles W. Fairbanks

March 4, 1905

March 4, 1909

Theodore Roosevelt


James S. Sherman

March 4, 1909

October 30, 1912

William H. Taft


Thomas R. Marshall

March 4, 1913

March 4, 1921

Woodrow Wilson


Calvin Coolidge

March 4, 1921

August 2, 1923

Warren G. Harding


Charles G. Dawes

March 4, 1925

March 4, 1929

Calvin Coolidge


Charles Curtis

March 4, 1929

March 4, 1933

Herbert Hoover


John Nance Garner

March 4, 1933

January 20, 1941

Franklin D. Roosevelt


Henry A. Wallace

January 20, 1941

January 20, 1945

Franklin D. Roosevelt


Harry S. Truman

January 20, 1945

April 12, 1945

Franklin D. Roosevelt


Alben W. Barkley

January 20, 1949

January 20, 1953

Harry S. Truman


Richard Nixon

( January 20, 1953

January 20, 1961

Dwight D. Eisenhower


Lyndon B. Johnson

John F. Kennedy


Hubert Humphrey

January 20, 1965

January 20, 1969

Lyndon B. Johnson


Spiro Agnew[

January 20, 1969

October 10, 1973

Richard Nixon


Gerald Ford

December 6, 1973

August 9, 1974

Richard Nixon


Nelson Rockefeller

December 19, 1974

January 20, 1977

Gerald Ford


Walter Mondale

January 20, 1977

January 20, 1981

Jimmy Carter


George H. W. Bush

January 20, 1981

January 20, 1989

Ronald Reagan


Dan Quayle

January 20, 1989

January 20, 1993

George H. W. Bush


Al Gore

January 20, 1993

January 20, 2001

Bill Clinton


Dick Cheney

January 20, 2001

January 20, 2009

George W. Bush


Joe Biden

January 20, 2009

January 20, 2017

Barack Obama


Mike Pence

January 20, 2017

January 20, 202

Donald Trump


Kamala Harris

January 20, 2021


Joe Biden

List of Presidents of the United States of America (1789- 2022)

Presidents of the United States (1789- 2023): The United States has had 46 presidents. There have been 45 men serving the nation throughout its history.

In this article, we will cover the list of presidents of the United States from 1789 to 2023 in chronological order by age, their affiliated political parties, and those who have been assassinated. We will also discuss some interesting facts about the 5 most famous US presidents in history along with the list of vice presidents of the USA till now.

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