Vertical and Horizontal shading

Vertical shading:

Dygraph can assign shading features on the timeline portion to analyze different time intervals. By using dyshading, we can assign time-interval corresponding to color for better analysis of the stock portion.


dygraph(price, main = "TSLA Stock price analysis") %>% 
     dySeries(label = "Temp (F)",
              color = "black") %>%
     dyShading(from = "2018-1-1",
               to = "2019-12-1"
               color = "#FFE6E6") %>%
     dyShading(from = "2020-1-1"
               to = "2021-1-1",
               color = "#CCEBD6")



Horizontal shading

Dygraphs provide horizontal shading by use of mean and standard deviations. We can assign intervals in dyshading and assign axis parameters to y. Here, ROC function is used to create ROC Curve. 


ret = ROC(TSLA[, 4])
mn = mean(ret, na.rm = TRUE) #mean
std = sd(ret, na.rm = TRUE) #standard deviation
dygraph(ret, main = "TSLA Share Price") %>% 
     dySeries("TSLA.Close", label = "TSLA") %>%
     dyShading(from = mn - std, to = mn + std, axis = "y")


Horizontal shade in grey colour

How to use interactive time series graph using dygraphs in R

Dygraphs refer to as Dynamic graphics which leads to an easy way to create interaction between user and graph. The dygraphs are mainly used for time-series analysis. The dygraphs package is an R interface to the dygraphs JavaScript charting library in R Programming Language

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