Value of Root of 121

Numerical value of square root 121 is 11 which means 121 is a perfect square.

√121 = √112= 11

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Square Root of 121

Square Root of 121 is 11. It is represented as √(121) or (121)1/2. Square Root of a number is defined as the number that when multiplied by itself gives the original number. When multiplied by itself, √(121) will result in the number 121. Hence, the value of the square root of 121 is 11.

Also, (-11) × (-11) = 121. So, we say that -11 is also the square root of 121.

In this article, we will learn What is Value of Square Root of 121, and How to Find Value of Square Root of 121.

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Square Root of 121 – FAQs

What is the Value of Square Root of 121?...

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