How to use the Replace Method In Python

One of Pandas most useful tools is the replace() method, which allows to substitute desired values with specified ones. It is a flexible option for a range of situations because it may be applied to a single column or the full DataFrame.

In the code, we will replaces specific values (2 with 200 and 4 with 400) in column ‘A’ using the replace method.

import pandas as pd

data = {'A': [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], 'B': [10, 20, 30, 40, 50]}
df = pd.DataFrame(data)
print("Before Replacing:\n", df)

df.replace({2: 200, 4: 400}, inplace=True)
print("After Replacing:\n", df)


Before Replacing:
0 1 10
1 2 20
2 3 30
3 4 40
4 5 50
After Replacing:
0 1 10
1 200 20
2 3 30
3 400 40
4 5 50

We can observe that the value ‘2’ in column “A” is replaced by ‘200’ and the value ‘4’ in column “A” is replaced by ‘400’. Since, ‘inplace=True’, the changes are made directly in the DataFrame ‘df’. The other values and the structure of the DataFrame remain unchanged.

Pandas Replace Multiple Values in Python

Replacing multiple values in a Pandas DataFrame or Series is a common operation in data manipulation tasks. Pandas provides several versatile methods for achieving this, allowing you to seamlessly replace specific values with desired alternatives. In this context, we will explore various approaches to replace multiple values in Python using Pandas.

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In conclusion, Pandas offers a robust set of methods for replacing multiple values in Python, catering to various data manipulation scenarios. The replace method stands out as a versatile and straightforward choice, allowing for global or column-specific substitutions effortlessly....

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