How to use the forEach() method In Javascript

The Array.forEach() method can be used to iterate through each element of the array in the similar way as the map() method was used.


arrayName.forEach((item)=>{ mapName.set()});

Example: This code is the practical implementation of the forEach() method to convert an array of object into a JavaScript map.

const objectsArray =
            type: "Company",
            name: "w3wiki"
            type: "Cricketer",
            name: "Virat Kohli"
    ("Array of objects is: ", objectsArray);

const createdMap = new Map();
objectsArray.forEach((obj) => {
console.log("Created Map: ", createdMap);

Array of objects is:  [
  { type: 'Company', name: 'w3wiki' },
  { type: 'Cricketer', name: 'Virat Kohli' }
Created Map:  Map(2) { 'Company' => 'w3wiki', 'Cricketer' => 'Virat Kohli' }...

How to Convert an Array of Objects to a Map in JavaScript ?

An array of objects can contain multiple objects with the same properties i.e. key-value pairs. But a map does not contain duplicate values which means if you convert an array of objects with duplicate objects into a map, it will contain only the unique key-value pairs.


Input Array:  
{ type: 'Company', name: 'w3wiki' },
{ type: 'Cricketer', name: 'Virat Kohli' },
{ type: 'Cricketer', name: 'Virat Kohli' }
Output Map: Map(2)
'Company' => 'w3wiki',
'Cricketer' => 'Virat Kohli'

The below approaches can be used to convert an array of objects to a map in JavaScript:

Table of Content

  • Using the map() method
  • Using the reduce() method
  • Using the forEach() method
  • Using the Object.enteries() method
  • Using the for-of loop
  • Using the findIndex() Method

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