How to use the Cut command In Linux

Cut command can also be used to extract the characters from the string that takes a few flags ( -cN-M ) as input and output the required substring. When you provide both variables i.e string and flag then it will return to you the characters in the string starting from index N and ending at M with both indexes included.

Given below is an example of how to use the Cut command in Bash

Batch script

$ echo "w3wiki" | cut -c0-6



Batch Script – Left String

In this article, we are going to study Left string in Batch Script. In Batch Script, the Left string is used to extract the characters from the beginning of the string by giving position 0 and a length using:~ while expanding a variable content.

Example 1:

Batch script 

set str=w3wiki
set str=%str:~0,5%



In the above example, the key point you notice is :~0,5, which means that we need to display the characters starting from the position from 0 to 5.

Example 2:

Batch Script 

set str=Hello World
set str=%str:~0,4%


Hello World

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Using the Cut command

Cut command can also be used to extract the characters from the string that takes a few flags ( -cN-M ) as input and output the required substring. When you provide both variables i.e string and flag then it will return to you the characters in the string starting from index N and ending at M with both indexes included....

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