How to use OrderBy() Function In Python

The orderBy() function sorts by one or more columns. By default, it sorts by ascending order.

Syntax: orderBy(*cols, ascending=True)


  • cols→ Columns by which sorting is needed to be performed.
  • ascending→ Boolean value to say that sorting is to be done in ascending order

Example 1: ascending for one column

Python program to sort the dataframe based on Employee ID in ascending order


# sort the dataframe based on employee I
# columns in descending order


|Employee_ID|Employee NAME|  Company|
|          4|      sridevi|company 1|
|          4|      sridevi|company 1|
|          3|       rohith|company 2|
|          2|       ojaswi|company 1|
|          1|       sravan|company 1|
|          1|       sravan|company 1|

Python program to sort the dataframe based on  Employee ID in descending order


# sort the dataframe based on
# Employee ID in descending order
                  ascending = False).show()


|Employee_ID|Employee NAME|  Company|
|          4|      sridevi|company 1|
|          4|      sridevi|company 1|
|          3|       rohith|company 2|
|          2|       ojaswi|company 1|
|          1|       sravan|company 1|
|          1|       sravan|company 1|

Example 2: Ascending multiple columns

Sort the dataframe based on employee ID and employee Name columns in descending order using orderBy.


# sort the dataframe based on employee ID 
# and employee Name columns in descending order
dataframe.orderBy(['Employee ID','Employee NAME'],
                  ascending = False).show()


|Employee_ID|Employee NAME|  Company|
|          4|      sridevi|company 1|
|          4|      sridevi|company 1|
|          3|       rohith|company 2|
|          2|       ojaswi|company 1|
|          1|       sravan|company 1|
|          1|       sravan|company 1|

Sort the dataframe based on employee ID and employee Name columns in ascending order


# sort the dataframe based on employee ID 
# and employee Name columns in ascending order
dataframe.orderBy(['Employee_ID','Employee NAME'],
                  ascending =True).show()


|Employee_ID|Employee NAME|  Company|
|          1|       sravan|company 1|
|          1|       sravan|company 1|
|          2|       ojaswi|company 1|
|          3|       rohith|company 2|
|          4|      sridevi|company 1|
|          4|      sridevi|company 1|

Sort the PySpark DataFrame columns by Ascending or Descending order

In this article, we are going to sort the dataframe columns in the pyspark. For this, we are using sort() and orderBy() functions in ascending order and descending order sorting.

Let’s create a sample dataframe.


# importing module
import pyspark
# importing sparksession from 
# pyspark.sql module
from pyspark.sql import SparkSession
# creating sparksession and giving an app name
spark = SparkSession.builder.appName('sparkdf').getOrCreate()
# list  of employee data
data = [["1", "sravan", "company 1"],
        ["2", "ojaswi", "company 1"],
        ["3", "rohith", "company 2"],
        ["4", "sridevi", "company 1"],
        ["1", "sravan", "company 1"],
        ["4", "sridevi", "company 1"]]
# specify column names
columns = ['Employee_ID', 'Employee NAME', 'Company']
# creating a dataframe from the lists of data
dataframe = spark.createDataFrame(data, columns)
# display data in the dataframe


|Employee_ID|Employee NAME|  Company|
|          1|       sravan|company 1|
|          2|       ojaswi|company 1|
|          3|       rohith|company 2|
|          4|      sridevi|company 1|
|          1|       sravan|company 1|
|          4|      sridevi|company 1|

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