How to use LIKE Clause with _ to match only one Character In SQL

Example 1: To fetch records from the Emp_data Table with first_name ending any letter but starting from ‘R’.


 SELECT * FROM Emp_data WHERE first_name LIKE 'R____';



Example 2: To fetch a records from Emp_data table in which salary is starting with ‘3’ succeeding any two digits and finally ends with ’00’.


SELECT * FROM Emp_data WHERE Salary LIKE '3__00';  



Example 3: To fetch records from the Emp_data Table with last_name starting with ‘K’.


 SELECT * FROM Emp_data WHERE last_name LIKE 'K____';



SQL Query to Match Any Part of String

It is used for searching a string or a sub-string to find a certain character or group of characters from a string. We can use the LIKE Operator of SQL to search sub-strings. The LIKE operator is used with the WHERE Clause to search a pattern in a string of columns. The LIKE operator is used in conjunction with the two wildcard characters.

  • Percentage sign( % ): It represents zero, one, or multiple characters of variable length.
  •  Underscore ( _ ): It represents one, single character of fixed length.

The Syntax of a LIKE Clause is

SELECT Column1, Column2 FROM TableName WHERE Column LIKE [Expression];  


In this example, we will create a schema for our database and name it Emp_details. After that, we will create a table inside it with the name Emp_data and try to search for a sub-string from the table’s data.

Step 1: Create a database

In order to create a database we need to use the CREATE operator.

USE Emp_details;

Step 2: Create a table inside the database

In this step, we will create the table Emp_data inside the Emp_details database.

CREATE TABLE Emp_data(id INT, 
first_name VARCHAR(255),
last_name VARCHAR(255),
Salary VARCHAR(255),
Age INT,

Step 3: Insert data into the table

In order to insert the data inside the database we need to use INSERT operator.

INSERT INTO Emp_data (id, first_name, last_name, Salary,Age) 
VALUES (1, "Yash", "Kumar", 30000,25),
(2, "Rahul", "Yadav", 40000,22),
(3, "Mohit", "Kumar", 50000,21),
(4, "Ritik", "Kumar", 30000,23),
(5, "Shubham", "Pal", 20000,25);


Emp_data Table

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