How to use jQuery’s .ajax() Method with an XML String In XML

1. Craft the XML String:

Construct a well-formed XML string variable representing the desired structure. This includes elements, attributes (if needed), and text content. Ensure proper nesting and indentation for readability.

var xmlString = '<root>'; // Start with the root element
xmlString += '<child attribute="value">data</child>'; // Add child element with attribute
xmlString += '</root>'; // Close the root element

2. Utilize jQuery’s .ajax() Method:

Employ jQuery’s versatile .ajax() method to send the XML string to the server.

url: '', // Replace with your API URL
type: 'POST', // Choose appropriate HTTP method (POST, GET, etc.)
data: xmlString,
contentType: 'text/xml', // Specify the data type as XML
success: function(response) { console.log('Success:', response); // Handle successful response },
error: function(error) { console.error('Error:', error); // Handle errors during request

3. Set Appropriate Content Type:

Set the contentType property within .ajax() to ‘text/xml’. This informs the server that you’re sending XML data, ensuring correct processing.

4. Handle Server Response:

Define callback functions for success and error within .ajax(). The success function processes the server’s response (data, success message, etc.), while the error function handles potential errors that occur during the request.

Example : Using `.ajax()` with an XML String

var xmlString = '<root><child>data</child></root>';

    url: '',
    type: 'POST',
    data: xmlString,
    contentType: 'text/xml',
    success: function (response) {
        console.log('Response:', response);
    error: function (error) {
        console.log('Error:', error);


The output will generally be the server’s response, which could be a success message, data in XML or JSON format, or an error message. For example:

running in browser console

Creating and Sending an XML Document in JQuery

Creating and sending XML documents with jQuery is a common task in web development, particularly for API or web service interactions that require XML format. This article explores different strategies to efficiently construct, modify, and dispatch XML documents using jQuery.

Table of Content

  • Using jQuery’s .ajax() Method with an XML String
  • Building an XML Document Using JavaScript DOM Methods
  • Choosing the Right Approach:
  • Conclusion

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Using jQuery to create and send XML documents can be done efficiently either by directly using an XML string or by constructing the XML using DOM methods for more complex structures. The choice of method depends on the complexity of the XML structure and the specific requirements of your web service interaction. Always handle the server responses appropriately to ensure smooth data processing and user experience....

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