How to use JS and PHP In PHP

This approach combines JavaScript with PHP to dynamically alter background images on webpages, providing additional flexibility and interactivity. Initializes variables for conditions or uses defaults. Sets $backgroundImage based on conditions. Defines a function to change the background image in JavaScript and Invokes the function on window load, setting the background image based on PHP.

Example: This example shows the implementation of the above-approach.

    // Simulate conditions or set
   // default background image
    $someCondition = true;
    $anotherCondition = false;

    // Determine background 
   // image based on condition
    if ($someCondition) {
        $backgroundImage = 
    } elseif ($anotherCondition) {
        $backgroundImage =
    } else {
        $backgroundImage = 
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width,
    <title>Background Image with
           PHP and JavaScript</title>
        // JavaScript function to change background image
        function changeBackgroundImage(imageUrl) {
   = 'url(' + imageUrl + ')';
            // Additional JavaScript logic if needed
        // Invoke the function
        window.onload = function() {
            changeBackgroundImage('<?php echo $backgroundImage; ?>');
    <!-- HTML content -->
    <h1>Background Image Demo</h1>
    <p>This is a demonstration of changing
       the background image dynamically
       using PHP and JavaScript.</p>

Output: The webpage’s background image dynamically changes based on PHP-specified conditions, with JavaScript enabling client-side modification.

How to Change Background Image with PHP?

We are going to dynamically change background images on webpages using PHP. Incorporating a dynamic background image on a web page can improve user experience and provide personalized content based on different conditions.

Below are the approaches to change the background image using PHP:

Table of Content

  • Using inline CSS and PHP
  • Using JavaScript and PHP

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Using inline CSS and PHP

To change background images dynamically, modify CSS properties of HTML elements using inline CSS. In this approach, it sets a default background image ($backgroundImage) to a URL pointing to ‘gfg1.jpg’. It also sets a default condition ($someCondition) to true. Inside the HTML