How to use JamSpell In Python

To achieve the best quality while making spelling corrections dictionary-based methods are not enough. You need to consider the word surroundings. JamSpell is a python spell checking library based on a language model. It makes different corrections for a different context.

1) Install swig3

apt-get install swig3.0   # for linux
brew install swig@3       # for mac

2) Install jamspell

pip install jamspell

3) Download a language model for your language


# Create a corrector
corrector = jamspell.TSpellCorrector()
# Load Language model -
# argument is a downloaded model file path
# To fix text automatically run FixFragment:
print(corrector.FixFragment('I am the begt spell cherken!'))
# To get a list of possible candidates
# pass a splitted sentence, and a word position
print(corrector.GetCandidates(['i', 'am', 'the', 'begt', 'spell', 'cherken'], 3))
print(corrector.GetCandidates(['i', 'am', 'the', 'begt', 'spell', 'cherken'], 5))


u'I am the best spell checker!'
(u'best', u'beat', u'belt', u'bet', u'bent')
(u'checker', u'chicken', u'checked', u'wherein', u'coherent', ...)

Spelling checker in Python

For any type of text processing or analysis, checking the spelling of the word is one of the basic requirements. This article discusses various ways that you can check the spellings of the words and also can correct the spelling of the respective word.

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