How to use is_a? Method In Ruby

The is_a? method is used to check if an object is an instance of a specific class or its subclass.




In this example we use the is_a? method on num,string and array to check if it is an instance of the Integer,string and array class.The method returns true if num,str,array are instance of Integer,string and array, otherwise false.

# Check the Data Type of a Variable  Using 'is_a?' method
# Example 1: Integer
num = 10
# Checking if 'num' is an Integer
puts "Is 'num' an Integer? #{num.is_a?(Integer)}"  

# Example 2: String
str = "w3wiki"

# Checking if 'str' is a String
puts "Is 'str' a String? #{str.is_a?(String)}"  

# Example 3: Array
arr = [1, 2, 3]
puts "Is 'arr' an Array? #{arr.is_a?(Array)}"  

Is 'num' an Integer? true
Is 'str' a String? true
Is 'arr' an Array? true

How to Check the Data Type of a Variable in Ruby?

In this article, we will discuss how to check the data type of a variable in Ruby. We can check the data types of a variable through different methods ranging from class to kind_of method in Ruby.

Table of Content

  • Using Class method
  • Using is_a? Method
  • Using kind_of? Method

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