How to use Hooks in Component Composition In ReactJS

In React Hooks is a feature that helps us to use State and other React features in a functional Component without using a Class Component. If we look into the older versions of React, there were no Hooks and there is only used to be a Class Component through which we can use the “State” object , later in the React version 16.8 they introduced a new feature that is Hooks through which we can use ‘State‘ without even using a Class Component. The main pupose of Hooks is to allow functional components to have access to State and other features of react without the necessity of class component. In Component composition Hooks are used to share and reuse the logic across multiple components, which also helps in reducing code redundancy.

Example: Below is an example of using Hooks in Component Composititons


import React, { useState } from 'react';
// Define a Custom Hook
function CustomHook() {
    const [variable, setVar] = useState("I'm a child component");
    return { variable, setVar };
function MyComponent() {
    const { variable } = CustomHook();
    return <div>{variable}</div>;
function App() {
    return <MyComponent />;
export default App;

Output :

React JS Component Composition

Component composition in React involves the inclusion of one or more components in a single component, where each sub-component can further consist of additional components. Components in React are building blocks that are used to create user interfaces (UIs).

Table of Content

  • What is a Component Composition in React?
  • How can composition help performance?
  • Composing Components with props
  • Higher order components
  • Render Props pattern
  • Using Hooks in Component Composition
  • Context API and Composition
  • Compound Components
  • Component Composition Patterns
  • Containment Pattern
  • Specialization Pattern
  • Why Composition Wins Over Inheritance?

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