How to use Form accessibility In ReactJS

Use the label element to properly identify form elements and link them to the appropriate input fields. This guarantees that users are aware of the function of every field on the form.


// accessible form in React
const FormComponent = () => (
<label htmlFor="name">Name:</label>
<input type="text" id="name" name="name" />
<label htmlFor="email">Email:</label>
<input type="email" id="email" name="email" />
<button type="submit">Submit</button>

Why is Accessibility Important in React Applications?

Making web applications useful for as many people as possible—including those with disabilities—is known as accessibility in web development. Ensuring accessibility in React apps refers to allowing all users to interact with and benefit from the application, irrespective of their abilities or disabilities. This article explores the reasons behind the need for accessibility in React applications as well as the actions developers may take to make their websites more inclusive.

Table of Content

  • Importance of Accessibility
  • Essential Guidelines for Web Accessibility
  • Using Semantic HTML
  • Using ARIA (Accessible Rich Internet Applications)
  • Using Keyboard Navigation
  • Text Size and Color Contrast
  • Using Alt Text for Images
  • Using Form accessibility

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Importance of Accessibility

Regardless of humans’ abilities, they should be able to access the contents of the web pages. to achieve this concentration on web accessibility is a crucial task....

Essential Guidelines for Web Accessibility

Perceivable: Regardless of a user’s sensory ability, information and UI elements must be presented in a way that they can be understood. This entails giving text alternatives for non-text content, captioning movies, and making sure the content can be easily distinguished from the background. Operable: All users must be able to operate the navigation and user interface elements. This entails making sure that consumers have adequate time to read and engage with material, and that all capabilities are accessible via keyboard navigation. Comprehensible: Data and user interface functionality ought to be comprehensible. Web pages should have consistent appearance and functionality, and text should be readable and understandable. Robust: Information needs to be sufficiently resilient to be reliably interpreted by a range of user agents, including assistive technologies. As a result, content will always be accessible even as technologies advance....

Using Semantic HTML

To give your content a coherent structure, use semantic HTML tags (like


Using ARIA (Accessible Rich Internet Applications)

The roles, states, and characteristics of ARIA (Accessible Rich Internet Applications) improve the accessibility of dynamic material. For instance, assigning role=”button” to interactive elements that aren’t buttons by default aids in providing users with assistive technologies with the appropriate information....

Using Keyboard Navigation

Verify that the keyboard can be used to focus and control every interactive element. All actionable items will have visual focus indicators available in addition to focus state management....

Text Size and Color Contrast

Make sure there is enough contrast between the text and the backdrop color, and offer choices for changing the text’s size. This enhances the reading for those who are visually impaired....

Using Alt Text for Images

To help people who use screen readers comprehend the content of images, provide images with descriptive alt text. Screen readers may ignore decorative images with empty alt attributes....

Using Form accessibility

Use the label element to properly identify form elements and link them to the appropriate input fields. This guarantees that users are aware of the function of every field on the form....

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