How to use Conversion Algorithm In PHP

In this case, we use mathematical conversion algorithm to convert binary to its decimal equivalent. Here, we convert a binary number to decimal by iterating through each bit and summing up the corresponding powers of 2.


function binToDec($binNum) {
    $decNum = 0;
    $len = strlen($binNum);
    for ($i = 0; $i < $len; $i++) {
        $decNum += (int)$binNum[$i] * pow(2, $len - $i - 1);
    return $decNum;
$binNum = '110010';
$decNum = binToDec($binNum);
echo "Decimal Number: " . $decNum;


Decimal Number: 50

Binary to Decimal Conversion in PHP

Given a binary number, the task is to convert Binary to Decimal Number in PHP.


Input: 1010
Output: 10

Input: 11001
Output: 25

There are different methods to convert Binary to Decimal Numbers, These are:


Table of Content

  • Using bindec() Function
  • Using base_convert() Function
  • Using Conversion Algorithm

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