How to use Conditional Statements (if-else) In Express

We can directly use an if statement to check if a variable exists before attempting to access its properties.

  • With this approach, we can use traditional if-else statements to check if a property is undefined and then render content based on the condition.
  • This method provides flexibility in handling different scenarios by allowing us to specify distinct actions for when a property is defined and when it’s undefined
<% if ( !== undefined) { %>
<h1>Welcome, <%= %>!</h1>
<% } else { %>
<h1>Welcome, Guest!</h1>
<% } %>

How to check for undefined property in EJS for Express JS ?

This article explores various techniques to handle undefined properties within EJS templates used in ExpressJS applications. It guides you on how to gracefully manage scenarios where data passed to the template might lack specific properties, preventing errors and ensuring a smooth user experience.

We will discuss different types of approaches to check for undefined properties in EJS for ExpressJS.

Table of Content

  • Using Conditional Statements (if-else)
  • Using Ternary Operators
  • Implementing Default Values with the || Operator
  • Using the typeof Operator

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