How to use a Predefined Table In Javascript

  • In this approach we are creating a custom table for chi-square critical values.
  • We are creating a function ‘getCriticalValue’ for calculation of critical value.
  • We are using predefined values for looking the chi square critical value based on input DOF and SL.

Example: This example shows the use of the above-explained approach.


// degreesOfFreedom = DOF
//significanceLevel = SL
// Define a table of Chi-Square critical values
const chiSquareCriticalValues = {
    1: { 0.01: 6.63, 0.05: 3.84, 0.10: 2.71 },
    2: { 0.01: 9.21, 0.05: 5.99, 0.10: 4.61 },
    //You can add more degrees
    // of freedom as needed
function getCriticalValue(DOF, SL) {
    //It will look for the critical
    //  value in the table
    const criticalValue = 
    return criticalValue;
// Replace with your degrees of freedom
const DOF = 2;
// Replace with your 
// significance level (e.g., 0.03 for 3%)
const SL = 0.05;
const criticalValue = getCriticalValue(DOF, SL);
console.log(`Chi-Square Critical Value: ${criticalValue}`);


Chi-Square Critical Value: 5.99

JavaScript Program for Chi-Square Critical Value Calculator

In this article, we will discuss the Chi-Square Critical Value Calculator. The Chi-Square Critical Value Calculator is a JavaScript tool used to determine critical values from the chi-square distribution. Chi-Square critical values help you decide if your study results are strong enough to conclude that there’s a real difference or if it might just be due to random luck.

These are the following approaches by using these you can calculate the chi-square critical value:

Table of Content

  • Using jStat library
  • Using a Predefined Table

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Using a Predefined Table

In this approach, we are using jStat to solve this problem. The ‘getCriticalValue’ function has a predefined value for the degree of freedom and significance level The result is printed in the console....

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