Uses of Mass Nouns

The determination of whether a word is countable or mass noun depends not so much on whether the noun itself can be tallied but rather on whether the noun is conceived of in terms of units or as a quantity that is not differentiated in any way. If the subject of a verb is a bulk word in the singular or uncountable form, then the verb must be in the singular form as well.

The word will be in multiple forms when the subject of the sentence is a bulk noun that is already in the plural form. Another mass noun guideline states that bulk names are to be treated as if they were singular, despite the fact that English considers them as multiple. For example, you can use the word “is” instead of the more common “are.”

Correct: This juice is fresh.

Incorrect: This juice are fresh

Correct: Greed is not something that you let grow.

Incorrect: Greed are not something that you let grow

In a sentence, if the verb drops an “s” along with plural nouns, then it will keep the “s” for mass nouns.

Correct: The cheese tastes yummy.

Incorrect: The cheese taste yummy

Correct: Your jewelry looks expensive.

Incorrect: Your jewelry look expensive.

What is a Mass Noun?

Mass Noun

Any noun that denotes an item that is impossible or challenging to count, such as air, rice, or intelligence, is referred to as a Mass Noun. Substances, objects, and ideas that cannot be broken down into their components are examples of mass nouns. These nouns are also referred to as “uncountable nouns” or “noncount nouns.”

With the help of mass noun, we can indicate whole group, quantity and categories in one word. In this article, we will provide you with the complete information on mass noun and how to use it.

Table of Content

  • What is a Mass Noun?
  • Types of Mass Nouns
  • When to Use a Mass Noun?
  • Uses of Mass Nouns
  • Identify a Mass Noun in Sentences
  • Mass Nouns vs. Collective Nouns
  • Examples of Mass Noun
  • Conclusion on Mass Noun

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