Uses of Buffer Solutions

Various uses of Buffer solution are,

  • Buffer solutions are referred to by several different names, including pH buffers and hydrogen ion buffers.
  • Many organisms employ buffer solutions to maintain an optimum pH for enzyme activity.
  • The use of bicarbonate and carbonic acid buffer system to manage the pH of animal blood is an example of a buffer used in pH regulation.
  • Enzyme function may be hindered, features may be lost, or the enzymes may even denature if certain buffers are not present. The enzymes’ catalytic function can be completely deactivated by this denaturation process.

Buffer Solution

Buffer Solution is a special aqueous solution that resists the change in its pH when some quantity of acid and Base is added. Many fluids, such as blood, have specific pH values of 7.14, and variations in these values indicate that the body is malfunctioning.  The change in pH of Buffer Solutions on adding a small quantity of acid or bases is very minimal and hence they are used to make solutions that resist the change in pH.

Let us learn about Buffer solution, its types, and others in this article.

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