Uses of BETWEEN Operator in Different Scenarios

1. BETWEEN Operator with Numerical Data

Suppose we have to find all employees from table Information whose ID is either 3 or 7 or even lie between 3 and 7. Let’s see how we do using the below query.

SELECT * from Information
Where Id BETWEEN 3 AND 7

The Result Looks Like:

Persons whose ID lie between 3 and 7

Explanation: In the above Query, we fetch all the employees information from table Information whose ID is either 3 or 7 or even lies between 3 and 7.

Note: Both the upper limit and lower limit are included in the result

2. BETWEEN Operator with String Data

Let’s find out all employees whose names lie between A and M range.

SELECT * FROM Information

The Result Looks Like:

Person whose name lie between A and B

Explanation: In the above Query, we fetch all the data of those employees from the Information table whose name characters lie in A and M range. Hence all the Names Starting with character in between ‘A‘ and ‘M

3. BETWEEN Operator with Date Values

Assume we need to find the data of all the employee whose data of birth lie in between ‘1999-01-01‘ and ‘2001-12-31‘.

SELECT * FROM Information
WHERE DateOfBirth BETWEEN '1999-01-01' AND '2001-12-31'

The Result Looks Like:

Person whose date of birth lies in 1999-01-01′ AND ‘2001-12-31

Explanation: In the above Query, we fetch all the data of those employees whose date of birth lies in the ‘1999-01-01‘ AND ‘2001-12-31‘ ranges. Here it means Those Employee Details will be displayed if their Date of birth is ‘1999-01-01‘ and ‘2001-12-31‘ or in between the range. As in the output All the employee’s details are displayed whose date of birth lies in the range ‘1999-01-01‘ and ‘2001-12-31.

SQL Server Between Operator

In SQL Server, BETWEEN Operator is used to filter data within a specified range. It allows you to retrieve records where a column’s value falls within a certain range of values. for example, let’s say you have a list of ages, and you want to find people who are between 20 and 30 years old. You can use the BETWEEN Operator to make Query very easy and get the result more precisely. Also, we can optimize our query with the help of BETWEEN Operator. After Reading this article you will get a deep understanding of BETWEEN Operator.

Prerequisites: Before understanding the BETWEEN Operator in SQL Server, it’s essential to have a foundational understanding of the following:

  1. SQL Basics: Familiarize yourself with basic SQL syntax, including SELECT statements, WHERE clauses, and the general structure of SQL queries.
  2. Data Types: Understand the data types of the columns you’ll be working with. This is crucial when specifying the range in the “BETWEEN” Operator.
  3. Table Structure: Have knowledge about the structure of the tables you intend to query. Know the names of the columns and their data types.

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