Usage/Examples of Smap Tool

Now you can use Smap by taking the same arguments as Nmap (just the options -p, -h, -o*, -iL are ignored). 

Target IP:

smap -sV

We have got the results of our scan which consists of open ports, services, and version details.


Smap – A Drop-In Replacement For Nmap Powered By Shodan.Io

So we all know about the tool Nmap (Network Mapper) and just like the NMAP tool, Smap is also a network scanner that is used to discover any host and services running on a target system by sending packets and analyzing the responses. Smap is a passive Nmap-like scanner built with, it is a full replica of Nmap that is using’s free API for port scanning. All the command line arguments are the same as NMAP and all the output it provides is like NMAP which makes it a proper drop-in replacement for Nmap.

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It can be used to Scanning  200 hosts per second. You don’t require any account/api key. You would be able to detect Vulnerability. All the nmap’s output formats are supported. Service and version fingerprinting are available able. It won’t make any contact with the targets. Smap fetches existing port data from making it super fast....

Installation steps with Screenshots and Commands

Now, let’s discuss how we can install the tool....

Usage/Examples of Smap Tool

Now you can use Smap by taking the same arguments as Nmap (just the options -p, -h, -o*, -iL are ignored)....

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