UPSC Questions Related to Right to Freedom

One of India’s constitutionally fundamental rights is the right to freedom. There is a great need for an explanation of the scope of such a right. It is one of the most basic topics in Polity and Constitution under the UPSC syllabus for the CS exam.

Below is a list of the common questions to this right, which in some ways could come in handy during a UPSC examination:

1. What are the six freedoms guaranteed by the right to freedom?

1. Freedom of speech and expression:

Individuals have the right to express their thoughts and opinions without censorship.

2. Freedom of Assembly:

People can gather peacefully in groups for various purposes without interference.

3. Freedom of Association:

The right to form and join groups, including organizations and clubs, is protected.

4. Freedom of Movement:

Individuals can move freely within their country’s borders without unreasonable restrictions.

5. Freedom of Residence:

People have the right to choose where they want to live and cannot be forced to relocate.

6. Freedom of Profession:

Individuals can pursue the profession or occupation of their choice, provided it adheres to legal standards.

2. Why is the right to freedom important?

The right to freedom matters because liberty is a fundamental human right. The Indian national independence struggle was not just a fight for freedom from British rule. It was to provide basic fundamental rights and freedom to every Indian resident. It is to choose what occupation or way to spend their life as an individual. More importantly, it was a mission to live like humans with dignity and without fears.

3. What are the six fundamental rights?

The six fundamental rights are:

1. Right to Equality:

All citizens have equal rights and opportunities, regardless of caste, creed, gender, religion, or social status.

2. Right to Freedom:

Citizens enjoy the freedom of speech, expression, movement, and the right to choose their occupation.

3. Right against Exploitation:

It prohibits forced labor, child labor, and any form of human trafficking, ensuring individuals are not exploited.

4. Right to Freedom of Religion:

Guarantees the freedom to practice, profess, and propagate any religion without discrimination.

5. Cultural and Educational Rights:

Safeguards the rights of minorities to conserve their language and culture and establish educational institutions.

6. Right to Constitutional Remedies:

Citizens have the right to approach the courts for the enforcement of their fundamental rights.

Right to Freedom (Articles 19 to 22)

Right to Freedom: Indians can enjoy a fundamental right to freedom as provided under their constitution. This right enables every Indian resident to be engaged in any work all over the territory of India. It also provides security for the person’s rights from unjust actions.

The Right to Freedom means that people can live and work without the government’s interference. This right is important because it makes sure that everyone is treated fairly and has equal rights. It also keeps people safe from being unfairly kept in custody or jailed without a good reason. Read below this comprehensive article to explore the right to freedom in depth.

Right to Freedom (Articles 19-22)

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UPSC Questions Related to Right to Freedom

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