Understanding GraphQL Interfaces

An interface in GraphQL acts as a blueprint for a collection of fields and types, that can be reused by some other field or types in a GraphQL query. With its help, we can define some common set of interfaces, and use those in our actual schema to abstract out our business logic, and give our schema greater flexibility.

Interfaces in GraphQL Schema

GraphQL is a powerful open-source query language for APIs. It is known for its flexibility and efficiency in fetching data from server endpoints. Unlike traditional REST APIs, which often have multiple endpoints for different resources, GraphQL typically exposes a single endpoint that allows clients to request exactly the data they need.

Interfaces in GraphQL help create a common set of fields and types that can be reused by other types or Queries. In this article, we will learn about the interfaces in GraphQL Schema.

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In this article, we learnt about interfaces in GraphQL Schema, and how we can use it to create a common definition of certain fields that can we reused by other fields in a GraphQL query. We also looked at some examples, and saw how we can use interfaces in a GraphQL query. Interfaces help enhance flexibility of the schema, and allow reuse of common fields that are frequently used in other places....

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