UI/UX Best practices

  • Nothing compensates for good design: Good design is making something intelligible and memorable great design is making something memorable and meaningful. Nothing in application development process can make up for a poor design. Design should be the main priority.
  • Wireframing: Great UI design can make or break a great wireframe. And a poor wireframe can kill your application. if the imagery is not right or do not go accordingly with the style or does not match with the content
  • Contrast: setting up a proper contrast to the UI is can be obtained through organizing the, design establishing hierarchy, emphasizing a focal point and adding visual interest. It can be done by a lot of different ways – we can add contrast with color, with weight, with size of typography or even with the imagery.
  • Alignment and Proximity: a proper alignment in the UI helps organize and group elements, it creates a visual rhythm of elements on the screen, Alignment and proximity brings order in unordered typography.
  • Repetition: Proper use of repetition through increasing consistency, increases the user’s ability to learn and identify the pattern in our interface or layout and it also reduces confusion and helps the user guess objects in the layout properly.

What is The Role of UI/UX Design in Startups?

UI/UX Design or User Interface/User Experience design has become immensely important for any business and corporation to launch successful digital or physical products/services. Everybody seems to understand that there is no reaching thousands of users without focusing on creating a good visual interface and improving the experience of the product or service for the user.

When it comes to start-ups, the role of UI/UX Design is no less than that for any corporate or small business, In this article, we will discuss the role of UI/UX Design in startups. But before that let’s start with the basic stuff.

Role of UI/UX Design in Startups

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UI/UX Best practices

Nothing compensates for good design: Good design is making something intelligible and memorable great design is making something memorable and meaningful. Nothing in application development process can make up for a poor design. Design should be the main priority. Wireframing: Great UI design can make or break a great wireframe. And a poor wireframe can kill your application. if the imagery is not right or do not go accordingly with the style or does not match with the content Contrast: setting up a proper contrast to the UI is can be obtained through organizing the, design establishing hierarchy, emphasizing a focal point and adding visual interest. It can be done by a lot of different ways – we can add contrast with color, with weight, with size of typography or even with the imagery. Alignment and Proximity: a proper alignment in the UI helps organize and group elements, it creates a visual rhythm of elements on the screen, Alignment and proximity brings order in unordered typography. Repetition: Proper use of repetition through increasing consistency, increases the user’s ability to learn and identify the pattern in our interface or layout and it also reduces confusion and helps the user guess objects in the layout properly....


We can conclude this article with the thought that no matter how what product or service a startup creates, without a proper packaging and without a propre appeal, it simply won’t sell. As much as development process is important in a product lifecycle, UI/UX design plays an equally important role. UI/UX design is not just about choosing the right contrast colors or using better visual elements. It’s also about conveying your message to the user in the simplest way possible. It is about providing an experience that stays with the user for long time. If you own a startup or and a part of one, make sure to note these points before you start building your next product or service....

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