Types of Worms

Types of Worms

Worms Characteristics

It is a flatworm that lives in the intestine and attaches itself to the walls of the intestine.

Tapeworms come in a variety of shapes and sizes.

They can be found in food as well as water.


They enter the body with contaminated soil.

People are at risk if are exposed to feces or soil that has been fertilized.

Diseases caused have gastrointestinal symptoms.


 They are most commonly seen in animals but also affect man.

Adult flukes infect bile ducts and the liver after entering the body. People can have extremely big liver or abnormal liver test results.


They are small, roundworms around the size of a staple. 

They are found in the colon and rectum of people.

Itching around the anus and making sleeping impossible.roundworms


They resemble a hookworm. Dwell in the intestines of the human body.

Strives in contaminated soil and enters the body only when people eat the eggs.

They cause minimal to no symptoms.

Another hand, severe infections might induce intestinal obstructions or stunts in children.

Diseases Caused by Worms

Among immigrant workers as well as international workers, intestinal parasites are very widely spread. In the case of worm illnesses, such as ascariasis or enterobiasis are very common in youngsters in cold areas. You may be surprised to learn parasitic worms can feed on human blood. Although some people laugh at having worms in their bodies, it is possible. Parasite transmission often occurs throughout infancy due to increased exposure and poor sanitation. Water, soil, food, and direct human touch may spread to other species.

Diseases Caused by Worms

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Types of Worms

Types of Worms Worms Characteristics Tapeworm It is a flatworm that lives in the intestine and attaches itself to the walls of the intestine. Tapeworms come in a variety of shapes and sizes. They can be found in food as well as water. Hookworm They enter the body with contaminated soil. People are at risk if are exposed to feces or soil that has been fertilized. Diseases caused have gastrointestinal symptoms. Fluke  They are most commonly seen in animals but also affect man. Adult flukes infect bile ducts and the liver after entering the body. People can have extremely big liver or abnormal liver test results. Pinworm They are small, roundworms around the size of a staple.  They are found in the colon and rectum of people. Itching around the anus and making sleeping impossible.roundworms Ascariasis They resemble a hookworm. Dwell in the intestines of the human body. Strives in contaminated soil and enters the body only when people eat the eggs. They cause minimal to no symptoms. Another hand, severe infections might induce intestinal obstructions or stunts in children....


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