Types of Video Memory

  • Multibank DRAM (MDRAM): MDRAM divides the memory into the smaller sections called the banks. This allows the computer to access the different parts of the memory at the same time making it faster. MDRAM is also the cheaper since you only need the amount that required for your screen resolution.
  • Rambus DRAM: RDRAM has a special pathway to speed up the transfer of data from the VRAM to the part that displays it on the screen.
  • Synchronous Graphics RAM (SGRAM): SGRAM works by opening up two separate memory spaces at once instead of just one. This makes it act a bit like faster dual-ported memory even though it’s single-ported.
  • Window RAM (WRAM): WRAM is a very fast dual-ported VRAM that can transfer data quicker than regular VRAM. WRAM is good for handling high resolutions with true color. The name has nothing to do with Microsoft Windows.

What is video memory ?

Video memory is a type of memory used to store image data that the computer’s GPU (Graphics Processing Unit) needs. Video memory is important for ensuring that graphics work smoothly and efficiently, especially in graphics applications like video games, 3D modeling software, and high-definition video playback.

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What is Video Memory?

Video memory also known as VRAM (video random-access memory), is a more expensive type of Random-Access Memory (RAM) that is capable of reading and writing simultaneously. The GPU (graphics processing unit) and computer processor can access video memory, which is located on a video card and, in some cases, on the motherboard. More video memory allows the video card and computer to handle more complex visuals faster....

History of Video Memory (VRAM)

VRAM was invented by three people – Frederick Dill, Daniel Ling, and Richard Matick – at IBM Research Center in 1980. They got the patent for it in 1985. The first commercial use of the VRAM was in 1986 in a high-resolution graphics adapter for an IBM PC system. After the PC was released the costs of making the VRAM decreased. This allowed more people to start using the VRAM. VRAM helped improve the graphics performance by increasing the data throughput to the frame buffer (where visual data is stored before displaying on screen). With VRAM, cheaper and higher-resolution color graphics became possible on computers and devices....

Types of Video Memory

Multibank DRAM (MDRAM): MDRAM divides the memory into the smaller sections called the banks. This allows the computer to access the different parts of the memory at the same time making it faster. MDRAM is also the cheaper since you only need the amount that required for your screen resolution. Rambus DRAM: RDRAM has a special pathway to speed up the transfer of data from the VRAM to the part that displays it on the screen. Synchronous Graphics RAM (SGRAM): SGRAM works by opening up two separate memory spaces at once instead of just one. This makes it act a bit like faster dual-ported memory even though it’s single-ported. Window RAM (WRAM): WRAM is a very fast dual-ported VRAM that can transfer data quicker than regular VRAM. WRAM is good for handling high resolutions with true color. The name has nothing to do with Microsoft Windows....

Uses of Video Memory

Most modern graphics cards use a type of VRAM called GDDR6. GDDR6 stands for Graphics Double Data Rate 6. It is similar to the regular RAM (DDR4 or DDR5) used in computers, but designed specifically for graphics processing. GDDR6 is faster and can store more data compared to older versions of VRAM. It is built for use in graphics cards, high-performance computers, and gaming consoles. The main difference between VRAM and regular system Random Access Memory is speed. VRAM is optimized for quickly transferring visual data to the display. For most applications that process data, the amount of regular system RAM is more important than the VRAM on the graphics card. Basic computers can function without a dedicated graphics card by using the built-in graphics capabilities of the motherboard and sharing system RAM. The VRAM can also be used in a special way for the blockchain applications. Having more VRAM is better for applications that use a lot of graphics processing, like video games. Graphics cards come with different amounts of VRAM. Highend graphics cards from the companies like Nvidia have the more VRAM capacity to handle the demanding visuals....

Importance of Video memory (VRAM) in Gaming

VRAM plays a crucial role in gaming performance. It helps games load quicker and display better visuals. Higher screen resolutions like 4K require the more VRAM compared to the lower 1080p resolution. Not having the enough VRAM can lead to the stuttering, lag, and the poor visual quality as the graphics card cannot properly render all the textures and the images. For gaming users generally use the below memory:...

How to Increase Video memory (VRAM)

The easiest way to get the more VRAM is to upgrade it to the better graphics card. Going from the basic integrated graphics to a dedicated graphics card can really improve the performance. If you cant upgrade the graphics card some computers allow you to increase the VRAM allocation through the BIOS settings. Look for the option called the “Graphics Settings” or the “Video Settings” and see if it can increase the memory that allocated to the graphics from there. For some integrated graphics there is also a way to make the computer think it has more VRAM than it is actually does by changing the setting into the Registry Editor. However this does not actually increase the real VRAM. To check the your current Video memory (VRAM) :...


The Video memory (VRAM) is specialized memory that allows the computers and devices to quickly process and display the graphics data like games, videos, and visuals. Having the sufficient VRAM is essential for the smooth performance and high quality graphics rendering. The most effective way to increase the VRAM capacity is by upgrading it to the better graphics card with the more dedicated VRAM....

Frequently Asked Questions on Video Memory – FAQs

Why VRAM is important for the gaming?...

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