Types of Stipules

There are many different kinds of stipules, and different plant species may have rather different stipule features. These consist of:

  1. Free Lateral Stipule: Members of the Malvace family, these stipules are located near the base of the petiole. For example China Rose.
  2. Adnate Stipules: These are the second kind of stipules, where two stipules are joined together to give the impression that they are wings. For instance, Rosaceae
  3. Foliaceous stipules: Foliaceous stipules have been completely developed and resemble leaves, sometimes even more so than the actual leaves on the plant. Compared to other kinds of stipules, they are more common and can aid in photosynthesis. Example – Sweet Pea.
  4. Spiny and thorny stipules: Stipules can be altered to resemble thorns or spines in certain plants. These altered stipules protect the plant by repelling animals and acting as a defensive mechanism. Example – Thorny Acacia.
  5. Glandular Stipules: The glands in glandular stipules can release different compounds, such as oils or nectar. These stipules could help draw pollinators or discourage herbivores.
  6. Tendrillar stipules: Stipules on certain plants have been transformed into tendrils, which are thin, spiralling appendages that help plants climb or provide them more support. Example – Greenbrier.
  7. Intrapetiolar Stipules: Stipules that are positioned on the leaf’s axle and present on both sides of the opposing leaves. The inner edge unites the leaves in this instance. It is a member of the Rubiaceae family.
  8. Interpetiolar Stipules: Stipules of the interpetiolar category are tiny lanceolate entities connected by the leaf margins. For example, Anangan
  9. Convoluted stipules: It is also known as bud stipules, are stipules that have changed into structures that resemble membrane scales that envelop and shield buds. For instance, Indian Banyan.
  10. Ochreate stipules: These sheath-like, simply tubular stipules envelop a greater portion of the internode. This kind has many stipules that come together to create a protective sheath. It is a trait unique to the Polygonaceae family. Polygonum is an example. Example – Knotweed.

Based on Duration

There are three distinct kinds of leaf stipules according on duration: caducous, persistent, and deciduous.

  1. Deciduous stipules: Deciduous stipules are temporary stipules, which fall off as the plant ages.
  2. Persistent stipules: Stipules can be persistent, remaining affixed to the plant for a considerable amount of time.
  3. Caducous stipules: Caducous stipules fall off before the leaf unfolds.

Stipule of Leaf – Functions and Types

Stipules of the leaf are tiny, leaf-like structures normally present in certain plants near the base of the petiole, the leaf stalk. They are found on each side of the petiole’s base, where it connects to the stem, and are frequently paired. Depending on the type of plant stipulates might differ in size, shape, and appearance.

Some stipulate leaf examples are seen in roses, sweet peas, acacia, and china roses. In this article, we will learn about stipules, their types, functions, and examples of stipules.

Table of Content

  • Stipule Meaning
  • Types of Stipules
  • Stipule of a Leaf Functions
  • Stipulate Leaf Examples
  • Conclusion: Stipule of Leaf
  • FAQs – Stipule of Leaf

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Conclusion: Stipule of Leaf

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FAQs – Stipule of Leaf

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