Types of Spring Data JDBC Extensions

  1. Spring Data JDBC Pagination: Provides pagination support for queries. You can specify page number and size to fetch results in a paginated manner.
  2. Spring Data JDBC Sorting: Allows sorting query results by one or more properties. Useful when presenting query results in a sorted order.
  3. Spring Data JDBC Specifications: Provides a specification-based querying mechanism similar to Spring Data MongoDB and JPA. Useful for building dynamic queries programmatically.
  4. Spring Data JDBC Transactions: Integrates transaction management for operations involving multiple entities/repositories. Ensures data integrity across operations.
  5. Spring Data JDBC Converters: Custom converters to map between database types and Java types for properties not supported by default converters.

Spring Data JDBC Extensions

In this article, We will explore the realm of Spring Data JDBC extensions. Discover how they enhance the functionalities of the Spring Data JDBC module. These extensions offer a range of tools that enable developers to handle database interactions, with skill-making tasks, like simplifying queries enhancing security, and optimizing performance manageable.

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It provides support for working with advanced Oracle database features. It makes it easier to write type-safe queries. It supports transactions. It supports caching. It provides support for multiple database dialects. It supports paging and sorting....

Types of Spring Data JDBC Extensions

Spring Data JDBC Pagination: Provides pagination support for queries. You can specify page number and size to fetch results in a paginated manner. Spring Data JDBC Sorting: Allows sorting query results by one or more properties. Useful when presenting query results in a sorted order. Spring Data JDBC Specifications: Provides a specification-based querying mechanism similar to Spring Data MongoDB and JPA. Useful for building dynamic queries programmatically. Spring Data JDBC Transactions: Integrates transaction management for operations involving multiple entities/repositories. Ensures data integrity across operations. Spring Data JDBC Converters: Custom converters to map between database types and Java types for properties not supported by default converters....


Imagine you are building a blogging platform where users can create blog posts and comment on them. You want to implement features like auditing, pagination, and sorting using Spring Data JDBC extensions. Auditing: With Spring Data JDBC Auditing, you can automatically track and store information about when a blog post was created and last modified. This can be achieved by adding @CreatedDate and @LastModifiedDate annotations to the corresponding fields in your BlogPost entity class. Whenever a new blog post is created or an existing one is updated, the auditing fields will be automatically populated with the current timestamp. Pagination: To implement pagination, you can use the Spring Data JDBC Pagination extension. Let’s say you want to display 10 blog posts per page. By using the PageRequest class provided by Spring Data JDBC, you can specify the page number and size when querying for blog posts. For example, PageRequest.of(0, 10) will fetch the first page with 10 blog posts. Sorting: With Spring Data JDBC Sorting, you can allow users to sort blog posts based on different criteria such as date, title, or number of comments. By using the Sort class provided by Spring Data JDBC, you can specify the sorting order and properties when querying for blog posts. For example, Sort.by(Sort.Direction.DESC, “date”) will fetch the blog posts sorted in descending order of their creation date....


To sum up, the Spring Data JDBC extensions offer developers a toolkit to enhance their database interactions, with efficiency, flexibility, and customization. Although they may not fall under the definition of “extensions ” the features and techniques provided by Spring Data JDBC offer methods to optimize the core functionality and adapt it to meet specific application requirements....

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