Types of Liliaceae

Twelve divisions can be made within the family of Liliaceae.

  1. Melanthioidae: Scaly leaves cover the rhizome or bulb.
  2. Herrerioideae: Tubers, growing stems, and miniature flower racemes make up the inflorescence.
  3. Asphodeloideae: Rhizome with radical leaves and an inflorescence spike.
  4. Alliodeae: Bulb or short rhizome; umbel-shaped cymose flowers.
  5. Lilioideae: Stem and bulb both have leaves.
  6. Scilloideae: Bulb-containing but with a leafless stem.
  7. Asparagoideae: Subterranean rhizome.
  8. Dracaenoideae: has upright stems with leafy crowns.
  9. Ophiopogonoideae: Rhizome is short.
  10. Aletrioideae: Short rhizomes with lance-shaped or arrow-shaped leaves.
  11. Luzuriagoideae: Climbing twigs on bushes or under shrubs.
  12. Smilacoideae: Net veined shrubs belong to this family.


Morphology is the branch of biological science that deals with the study of various external features, relative positions, and forms of various organs of various organisms. It is divided into two categories:

  • Internal morphology: It deals with the internal forms of organisms. This type of morphology is further divided into anatomy and histology. 
    • Anatomy: This type of internal morphology studies the organisms after their dissection and opening of various parts of their organs.
    • Histology: These studies the tissues, their structure, and their composition.
  • External morphology: It is the study of organisms’ external structures, such as their shape, color, size, relative position, and structure.

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FAQs on Liliaceae

Question 1: Define morphological characteristics and write an example of them....

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