Types of GraphQL Mutations

There are different types of mutations available in GraphQL –

  • Create Mutations: It is used to create a new resource onto the server
  • Delete Mutations: It is used to delete a resource from the database
  • Update Mutations: It is used to update or modify a resource on the server
  • Custom Mutations: We can also define some custom mutations to perform some custom operation

Handling Data Updates in GraphQL

GraphQL is an open source query language for the APIs that allows us to query and fetch only the data we require on the client side, and also shows us the detailed schema of all the fields supported in the API. It helps saving a lot network bandwidth with just sending and receiving the fields that we want, and with its strongly typed nature, we can easily identify all the queries and mutations supported by the server. In this article, we will learn about handling data updates in GraphQL.

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Types of GraphQL Mutations

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Update Mutations

We can use Update Mutations in GraphQL update or modify a resource on the server. The mutation accepts an input object in its argument, and the object is then used to update the existing data on the server. Let’s look at an example to understand it in more detail...

Example of Update Mutations

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In this article, we learnt about the GraphQL mutations and subscriptions, and how we can use these two operations to handle data updates in the GraphQL. GraphQL mutations are used when we want to update (add, remove, patch) the data in the server, and subscriptions are used when we want to listen to the real-time data updates in a specific data model in the GraphQL server....

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