Types of Full Wave Rectifiers

A full wave rectifier is an electronic circuit that converts alternating current (AC) into direct current (DC), and it has two main types:

  1. Center-Tapped Full Wave Rectifier: It uses a center-tapped transformer and two diodes to rectify AC, commonly employed in low to moderate power applications.
  2. Bridge Rectifier: This type of bridge rectifier utilizes four diodes arranged in a bridge configuration allowing for AC to DC conversion without relying on a center tapped transformer. It is often employed in high power applications and compact circuits.

Full Wave Rectifiers

A full wave rectifier is a component, in electronics that converts alternating current (AC) into direct current (DC). Unlike a wave that only utilizes one half of the input cycle a full wave rectifier takes advantage of both the positive and negative halves of the input cycle resulting in a smoother and more efficient output. In this article, we will go through the types of full wave rectifiers how they work, their advantages and disadvantages as well and their applications.

Table of Content

  • Working
  • Formula
  • Filter Circuit
  • Solved Example
  • Smoothing Capacitor
  • Advantages and Disadvantages

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Full Wave Rectifier Circuit


Working of Full Wave Rectifier

Rectification: Converts AC to pulsating DC by allowing current flow in both halves of the AC cycle using diodes.Bridge Configuration: Often employs a bridge rectifier with four diodes to ensure full-wave rectification.Output Voltage: Produces a pulsating DC output with twice the frequency of the input AC....

Full Wave Rectifier Formula

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Filter Circuit Using Full Wave Rectifier

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Types of Full Wave Rectifiers

A full wave rectifier is an electronic circuit that converts alternating current (AC) into direct current (DC), and it has two main types:...

Centre-Tapped Full Wave Rectifier


Bridge Rectifier Full Wave Rectifier


Solved Example of Full Wave Rectifier

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Full Wave Rectifier With Smoothing Capacitor

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Advantages and Disadvantages of Full Wave Rectifier

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Full wave rectifiers play a vital role in electronics by converting AC signals to DC signals. Whether it’s a center-tapped rectifier or a bridge rectifier, both types offer advantages such as higher rectification efficiency, smoother DC output waveforms, and increased output voltage and load current values. These rectifiers find applications in power supply units, radio signal detection, electric welding, and high voltage conversion, among others. Understanding the working principles and characteristics of full wave rectifiers is essential for anyone working in the field of electronics....

FAQs on Full Wave Rectifier

1. Can a Full Wave Rectifier completely eliminate AC ripple from the output voltage?...

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