Types of Data for Design

There are two types of data when it comes to Data Driven Design:

  1. Quantitative data: As the name suggests, Quantitative data refers to the data which is finite and measurable and gives the designer important insights about the behavior of the user in the website or web application. Quantitative data is from the standpoint hard evidence and identifying patterns, we will have data about the demographics of your customers, their age, gender etc. and we will have to make informed decisions based on these data points.
  2. Qualitative data: Qualitative data is more about information that cannot be measured, for example user motivation to use a particular feature since it is at the top of the page. Qualitative data gives the designer important insights on the feeling and opinion of the user and using this data we the designer can make changes in the design that makes the user feel motivated to use any particular feature.

Data-Driven Design Decisions and Analytics Tools

With the rise of data analysis software services in UI/UX design, more are more designers are moving away from intuition-based design to data-driven design. Modern UI/UX design is based on data-driven decisions. Data Driven design is a set of processes or you can call it a best practice where the designers rather than using their intuition use data for designing user interfaces and user interactions.

In this article, we will discuss what is a Data Driven Design. How to create Data Driven Design? and the best Analytics tools for Data Driven Design.

Data-Driven Design

Table of Content

  • What is Data-Driven Design?
  • Types of Data for Design
  • How to Create Data Driven Designs?
  • Top 3 Analytics Tools
  • Best Practices
  • Conclusion

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Best Practices

Consistent Elements: Make sure that the buttons you have in your design are consistent and you have a system for your buttons. You should choose a primary call to action style and be consistent with it. If you have a secondary call to action style for your buttons, make it different by choosing a more muted color or making it smaller, or simply just making it a link. This helps create a set hierarchical order in your design. A/ B testing or split testing: we can use techniques like A/B testing for testing the final prototype. A/ B testing or split testing is a method of comparing two versions of a webpage or an app with each other to find out which performs better. A/B testing is done after the product is launched, therefore we make smaller changes to the product. Usability test: Usability test basically is evaluating a product/service by testing it with some users and implementing the feedback provided by them. In the Usability test, participants have to complete some tasks created by professionals and these professionals watch the users and take notes. User Centered design: User Centered design is a series of processes or steps taken by the designers team in order to put the user at the center of the development of the product. With user centered design every decision is made keeping the user and the goals of the user in mind. Feedback and iterating: Taking feedback from the users can provide valuable insights about the design and what things should be improved. In order to continuously improve the design we have to that user feedback and iterate our design....


Data Driven design is a set of processes or you can call it a best practice where the designers rather than using their intuition use data for designing user interfaces and user interactions. And with Analytics tools like Google Analytics 4, Adobe Analytics and UXCam, it easier then ever to get all the data of your website to make your design better. Make sure to use Data driven decision making tips we discussed in this article in your next design project....

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