Types of Commercial Farming in India

The important commercial forms of farming in India include:

  1. Plantation Farming
  2. Commercial grain farming
  3. Livestock Farming
  4. Dairy Farming
  5. Mixed Crop and Livestock Farming
  6. Mediterranean Agriculture

What is Commercial Farming?

Commercial agriculture, which is also known as agribusiness, is a method of cropping that is used to raise crops as well as livestock in order to sell the products on the market in order for making money. In commercial agriculture, a lot of capital is used for investment, and crops are grown on a large scale. A higher dose of crops is used along with modern inputs for higher productivity.

Agriculture or farming is the way of cultivating plants and livestock. It is the systematic way of crop production. Agriculture has always been the backbone of the Indian economy. The method of growing crops has evolved over the ages according to the technique and machinery available during that time. The Methods of agriculture may differ from one place to another based on various factors like rainfall, fertility of the land, soil type, etc. Over the years, various methods of cultivation are formed Primitive Subsistence Farming, Intensive Subsistence Farming, and Commercial Farming.

Commercial Farming

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FAQs on Commercial Agriculture

Q 1. Define Commercial Farming....

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