
This function is used to write text at the current turtle position. 

Syntax :

turtle.write(arg, move=False, align=’left’, font=(‘Arial’, 8, ‘normal’)) 


Arguments                Description                                                                                 
arg Info, which is to be written to the TurtleScreen
move True/False
align One of the strings “left”, “center” or right”
font A tuple (fontname, fontsize, fonttype)

Below is the implementation of the above method with some examples :

Example 1 :


# import package
import turtle
# write text


Output :



Example 2 :



# import package
import turtle
# write text
# move turtle
turtle.write("w3wiki", move=True)

Output :

Example 3 :


# import package
import turtle
# write text
# styling font
turtle.write("w3wiki", font=("Verdana",
                                    15, "normal"))

Output :

Example 4 :


# import package
import turtle
# write text
# align at right
turtle.write("w3wiki", align="right")


Output :



turtle.write() function in Python

The turtle module provides turtle graphics primitives, in both object-oriented and procedure-oriented ways. Because it uses Tkinter for the underlying graphics, it needs a version of Python installed with Tk support.

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This function is used to write text at the current turtle position....

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