Truthy vs Falsy Values

In Python, individual values can evaluate to either True or False.

The Basis rules are:

  • Values that evaluate to False are considered Falsy.
  • Values that evaluate to True are considered Truthy.

Falsy Values Includes:

1) Sequences and Collections:

  • Empty lists []
  • Empty tuples ()
  • Empty dictionaries {}
  • Empty sets set()
  • Empty strings ” “
  • Empty ranges range(0)

2) Numbers: Zero of any numeric type.

  • Integer: 0
  • Float: 0.0
  • Complex: 0j

3) Constants:

  • None
  • False

Falsy values were the reason why there was no output in our initial example when the value of number was zero.

Truthy Values Includes:

  • Non-empty sequences or collections (lists, tuples, strings, dictionaries, sets).
  • Numeric values that are not zero.
  • Constant: True

This is why the value of a printed in our initial example because its value of a number was 7(a truthy value):

Truthy vs Falsy Values in Python

In this article, we will see about the concept of Truthy and Falsy values in Python and also see how to determine a value is Truthy or Falsy by using bool() built-in Python function.

Now, Let’s start with the following two codes:


number = 7
if number:



Let’s change value of number to 0


number = 0
if number:


There is no Output

Have you wondered why the above code run successfully despite number not being an expression?

The answer lies in concept of Truthy and Falsy Values.

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