Trustworthy Sources on Farmers’ Suicides in India

Source Article Title Link Summary
National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) Cultivating distress: cotton, caste and farmer suicides in India Visit Source Discusses the alarming rate of nearly 400,000 farmer suicides in India between 1995 and 2018, highlighting the daily average and underlying causes.
National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) Prevention of farmer suicides: Greater need for state role Visit Source Analyzes the reasons behind farmer suicides, including bankruptcy, indebtedness, and crop failure, emphasizing the need for state intervention.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) Crop-damaging temperatures increase suicide rates in India Visit Source Presents research showing how high temperatures during India’s growing season increase suicide rates among farmers, linking climate change to agricultural distress.
Brookings Institution A Reality Check on Suicides in India Visit Source Provides data on farmer suicide mortality rates, with a focus on high rates in Andhra Pradesh and Maharashtra, and the growth of these rates over two decades.

Farmers’ Suicides in India

Explore the issue of Farmers’ suicides in India, including Agricultural workers’ suicides and the rates of Farmer suicide rates India.

In India, agriculture is the main industry. Nearly 70% of the people in India is directly or indirectly dependent on agriculture, making it a country with a mostly agrarian economy. The vast majority of people in India still rely on agriculture for their living, despite the secondary and tertiary sectors of the economy expanding quickly. India is now self-sufficient in the production of food grains for everyday use thanks to the Green Revolution.

The farmer’s community must be given priority attention if the nation is to experience full economic development. The Indian economy is said to be supported by agriculture, which has been practiced there for centuries. Despite the fact that they provide the country with food, farmers’ living conditions are appalling. The agrarian crisis was among the worst catastrophes to strike our nation in the previous few decades.

Table of Content

  • Reasons for Farmers’ Suicides in India
  • Government Responses to India’s Farmer Suicides
  • Agricultural Workers’ Suicides
  • Farmer Suicide Rates India
  • Causes of Farmer Suicides in India
  • Maharashtra Farmer Suicides
  • Agricultural Distress in India
  • Cotton Farming and Suicides
  • Climate Change and Farmer Suicides
  • Government Response to Farmer Suicides
  • Farmer Suicide Statistics India
  • Suicide Prevention for Farmers
  • Economic Crisis and Farmer Suicides
  • Debt and Farmer Suicides in India
  • Trustworthy Sources on Farmers’ Suicides in India

It is concerning that Farmer suicide rates India are on the rise in India. Rising farmer suicides are attributed to unpredictable monsoons, unpaid loans, rising debt, poor agricultural procurement rates, low crop yields, and successive crop failures. While external variables, such as uneven rainfall, hailstorms, droughts, and floods, have a negative impact on crop production, internal issues, such as pricing rules and insufficient marketing facilities, cause post-yield losses.

The majority of them became bankrupt, and the pressure of their huge debt repayment and other family obligations drives them to commit suicide. The state with the most damage is Maharashtra.

Historical accounts of discontent, uprisings, and high mortality rates among Indian farmers, particularly those who grow cash crops, date back to the 19th century. Suicides caused by the same, though, were uncommon. In 2021, 5,563 farm laborers committed suicide, according to the National Crime Records Bureau’s (NCRB) most recent statistics. From 2020 to 2019, there was a 9% increase in suicides, and a 29% increase from 2019. Of the 5,121 suicides by agricultural laborers there were 442 girls and 5,121 males in 2021. 

According to the study Accidental Deaths and Suicides in India, Maharashtra reported 1,424 suicides, followed by Karnataka (999) and Andhra Pradesh (584). The data are available at a period when more farmers are working as farmers and the average agricultural household is more dependent on wages than on the farm. In the meantime, there has been a significant rise in the percentage of daily wagers among suicide deaths in the nation in 2021. 

Daily wage earners made up the largest profession-wise group of suicide victims in 2021, accounting for 25% of all suicides in the nation (42,004 suicides). The number of 42,004 suicides represents a significant increase from the 33,164 daily gambler suicide deaths recorded in 2020.

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Trustworthy Sources on Farmers’ Suicides in India

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As an agrarian economy, India has seen an increase in farmer suicide over the years, thus we need to prevent it for a variety of reasons. To overcome a helpful remedy for farmer’s suicide, institutional support is required. The government must provide favorable conditions for small and marginal farmers to get timely and adequate support through lending to farmers, with a focus on helping these farmers acquire modern equipment for increased agricultural productivity....

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