Trouble Stopping Lists Auto-Detection

Note: The above-mentioned steps to stop auto-numbering of lists work only when the user types number 1 followed by dot and space. But if we choose to create numbered lists or bulleted lists by clicking from the toolbar of Google Docs, the above-mentioned steps of stopping the auto-numbering of lists do not work.

How To Stop Google Docs From Automatically Creating Number Lists

How to Disable the Automatic List Detection in Google Docs – Quick Steps

  • Step 1: Open a Google Doc
  • Step 2: Navigate to the top menu and click on “Tools.”
  • Step 3: Choose “Preferences.”
  • Step 4: Select the checkbox beside “Automatically detect lists.”
  • Step 5: Click “OK” to confirm the changes.

Google Docs is a free online document editor provided by Google. Google Docs makes it easier to create a document for personal and professional use with various features. Google Docs has a feature that helps users type quickly without spending more time on formatting the document with lists that is Auto Numbering.

If your document has auto numbering enabled and you want to get rid of these then you are at the right place. Here, we will tell you how you can turn off automatically creating numbered lists in Google Docs.

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Trouble Stopping Lists Auto-Detection

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Note: The above-mentioned steps to stop auto-numbering of lists work only when the user types number 1 followed by dot and space. But if we choose to create numbered lists or bulleted lists by clicking from the toolbar of Google Docs, the above-mentioned steps of stopping the auto-numbering of lists do not work....


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How To Stop Google Docs From Automatically Creating Number Lists – FAQs

In this article, we have discussed about auto numbering lists in Google Docs and also the steps to stop the auto numbering lists in Google Docs. Numbering lists are used to mention some information in a step-by-step or chronological order. We have also discussed how stopping the Automatic numbering of lists does not stop numbering or bulleting when manually selected from the toolbar of Google Docs. We have come to know how to stop the automatic numbering of lists to quickly work on our content without worrying about unwanted indentation and automatically enabling numbering....

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