
A tree is a non-linear but hierarchical data structure. The topmost element is known as the root of the tree since the tree is believed to start from the root. The elements at the end of the tree are known as its leaves. Trees are appropriate for storing data that aren’t linearly connected to each other but form a hierarchy. 



class node:
    def __init__(self, ele):
        self.ele = ele
        self.left = None
        self.right = None
def preorder(self):
    if self:
n = node('first')
n.left = node('second')
n.right = node('third')





User Defined Data Structures in Python

In computer science, a data structure is a logical way of organizing data in computer memory so that it can be used effectively. A data structure allows data to be added, removed, stored and maintained in a structured manner. Python supports two types of data structures:

  • Non-primitive data types: Python has list, set, and dictionary as its non-primitive data types which can also be considered its in-built data structures.
  • User-defined data structures: Data structures that aren’t supported by python but can be programmed to reflect the same functionality using concepts supported by python are user-defined data structures. There are many data structure that can be implemented this way:

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