Top 5 Tools For Web Testing

1. Selenium

Selenium is a framework widely used for testing web applications across various platforms. Some of its significant features include:

  • You can test web applications in multiple browsers and operating systems such as Windows, Mac, and Linux.
  • You can write test cases in various programming languages such as PHP, C#, Java, Ruby, Pearl, etc.
  • It provides record and playback functionalities to create test cases. As a result, you don’t have to learn Selenium IDE.
  • It supports some prominent browser vendors who ensure that they have Selenium drivers installed in browsers.

2. TestComplete

TestComplete is a product of SmartBear that automates functional testing across numerous platforms such as Microsoft Windows, Web, iOS, and Android applications. Its major features include: 

  • It consists of a test visualizer, which allows you to visualize the results.
  • GUI testing option for GUI-based applications.
  • Provides scripting language support such as JavaScript, Python, C# script, etc.
  • You can record tests and provide playback.


Mercury Interactive created QTP/UFT, then HP, and now MicroFocus bought it later.QTP stands for QuickTest Professional, while UFT stands for Unified Functional Testing.QTP is an automated functional testing tool that assists testers in running automated tests to find any flaws, faults, or gaps in the application under the test with expected outcomes. 
Some of its major features include:

  • Testers can perform automated function tests without interruptions.
  • You can test a combination of Desktop and web applications.
  • It provides record and playback.
  • Technical and non-technical users can use it with ease.

4. Acunetix

Acunetix by Invicti is a simple and easy-to-use tool that helps small and medium-sized businesses protect their online applications from catastrophic data breaches. It accomplishes this by detecting a wide range of online security concerns and assisting security and development experts in resolving them quickly.
Some of its major features include: 

  • Provides advanced crawler for most sophisticated web applications, including password-protected areas.
  • It gives evidence of the exploitation of many vulnerable attacks.
  • It combines interactive and dynamic application security testing to find vulnerabilities that other tools overlook.
  • Advanced online vulnerability scanning for over 7,000 web vulnerabilities, including  SQLi and XSS.

5. Sahi

Sahi is an open-source tool for testing web applications across cross-platforms. Its’ primary focus is to test web applications in multiple browsers, including those that hold Ajax and dynamic content.
Here are some of its major features:

  • It provides detailed error reporting for managers, testers, and developers alike.
  • Your QA team could create test cases with minimal programming knowledge.
  • It supports browser popups and modal dialogs.
  • It provides an in-built Excel framework enabling Business Analysts and testers with a non-technical background to contribute to testing. 

As websites or applications involve sophisticated functionalities and graphic design, you need to have an overall picture of all the building blocks that make up a website. 

Software Testing – Web Application Testing Checklist with Test Scenarios

Web testing or web application testing ensures that your website functions as you or your clients expect as per requirements gathered during the project’s initial stages. It is a  comprehensive scope that touches multiple disciplines, including usability, functionality, compatibility, security, performance, and data storage and retrieval.

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